Sunday 14 August 2011

Concept Developments

Creature - Based around ideas of Symbiote. Extraterrestrial organism. Referred to as a "living costume" because of the way the creature envelopes their hosts and can act as a clothing or a costume. When attached to a host, it empowers their natural abilities to the point where it exceeds that of normal members of the hosts' species. It is a very stealthy organism, which doesn't like attention.

These abilities include the following -
  1. superhuman strength,
  2. superior speed and agility, enhances other physical attributes,
  3. enhanced durability and resistance to damage.
  4. genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts.
  5. enhanced healing ability.
  6. ability to negate damage caused by terminal illnesses and permanent injuries, but not actually heal it.
  7. can expand to any size as long as they have to grow on such as a host or an object.
  8. reacts to the thoughts and will of the host.
  9. ability to shapeshift, form tendrils/fangs/simple bladed weapons out of their limbs,
  10. ability to create storage portals inside of them.
However, with all the positives comes negatives also. Some weaknesses are weakened by intense sounds (sonic waves) and intense fires. It requires a host to survive or else it rots and perishes.

Environment -  Since the symbiote avoids attention, hiding away in corners and small spaces. The forest would be ideal, behind trees and shrubs, really messy and rugged. Ideal for the symbiote, and there's enough living organisms around to latch onto.

Structure -  Developing from this idea of the Symbiote and it requiring a host to survive, the structure is built into a tree trunk. The VitraHaus being made out of simple pentagonal prisms. The structure is an extrapolation of this. Putting simple pieces of geometry together and dumping it into a tree trunk. Like the Lord of The Rings movie, the idea of a staircase spiraling up past the tree trunk to a balcony that allows the symbiote to see down onto it's prey. The organisms that walk around below him.

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