Sunday 14 August 2011

Week 5 - Independant Study

The centered HdM draws the viewer into the poster. Our eyes first glance into the center of the page, looking for the largest piece of text/image so we can be alluded to what we are looking at. Then from the center the 4 images of buildings suggest that this is a movie/film/documentary about a firm abbreviated with HdM and their buildings they've designed. The same colour is used throughout the poster, simple blues and blacks with no real conflicting colours. Then the texts above and below are smaller then the center heading because it should not draw away the attention from the main point of the poster.

The design of my poster will be similar to this, a simple design dividing the page into 9 squares, the center text should be the largest font, surrounding the image with pictures to draw the viewer in more since if they are just glancing, they wouldn't want to read paragraphs of text, so it would be simple and to the point. Just showing my images, a few quotes at the top and bottom of the page to promote HdM.

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